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God has blessed our church with many talented musicians and vocalists. We believe that God has blessed us with music and it should be used to honor and glorify Him. Our church currently has three avenues to accomplish this worship: church choir, special music, and instrumentals. 

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In our church, we desire to have a choir sing at the 9:30 am Sunday service. Typically they sing congregational songs from our choir loft and offer one choral anthem during each service.


Choir rehearsal is every Wednesday night at 7:00pm in the choir room located near the sanctuary.  

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The handbells periodically play throughout the year. This musical offering complements the worship service with a spirit of praise, contemplation, or communion. One unique aspect of handbell ringing is that players are solely responsible for their notes. Each ringer plays their part while at the same time playing as part of a unified ensemble, much like playing a position on a sports team. We strive for skillful excellence during weekly rehearsals in order to give our best to glorify God in worship.


Instruments are important in our worship service. In addition to a piano and an organ, God has also provided our church with many capable musicians who form our small orchestra. Musicians often enjoy the opportunity not only to play during our congregational singing, but also to play during offertories and seasonal musicals.


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join us

Rush Harrison

Director of Music and Administrative Pastor

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